Philosophy and Curricular Approach

The Spot LA

Pillars of our Curriculum: Below are the building blocks of our curriculum. The pillars of our programming are grounded in research and practice and combine to meet a wide array of kids’ needs.

  • Kid’s choice and interest-based learning

  • Hands-on, project-based learning

  • Meeting kids where they are

  • Diverse perspectives

  • Everyone is welcome

  • Goal-focused and child-centered programming

  • Building community

  • Multi-age classrooms

What Your Child Will Gain:

Unique opportunities of an after-school learning environment: 

  • A positive Jewish identity and an interest in Jewish learning and engagement

  • Understanding, friendship, empathy, and compassion within and between children with different learning styles, at different levels and ages 

  • An awareness of the importance of Jewish diversity through inclusive programming that celebrates a wide range of observance and belief

  • Meaningful engagement with Jewish ritual, history, culture, and language for kids from TK (over the age of 4 years and 9 months) through 5th grade

  • Joyous, fun, and exciting learning that puts children at the center (think summer camp, every day after school)  

Teaching and learning in Jewish after school is different from Jewish day school and religious schools. Unlike these other educational models, at The Spot: 

  • Attendance is variable: Kids attend anywhere from 2 to 5 days a week

  • Children arrive and depart at different times: children arrival times vary based on when public schools let out, and pickup times vary based on family realities

  • Kids are placed in mixed-age, mixed-level groups, often with their siblings. It is expected that children of different ages will interact together in this smaller, local environment 

  • We believe learning in multi-age, multi-level environments helps us build a successful community and encourages deeper learning

At The Spot, we create a child-centered, camp-like environment, where kids thrive and learn Jewish values joyfully!