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Sara Price

Program Director

Sara Price brings 20 years of experiential Jewish Education to The Spot. Sara’s passion is to bring movement, play, art, music, and fun into Jewish education. Sara has a B.A. in History from the University of Texas, an M.A. in Irish History from Boston College, and she studied Sport Administration at the University of Houston. Sara taught Physical Education at Akiba Schechter Jewish Day School in Chicago, and Jewish Studies and Social Studies at Kadima Day School. Sara is a two-time national champion in Sabre Fencing.

Shaina Jacobs


Shaina worked as a preschool teacher in Oregon for two years. She's also volunteered with foster youth in the Court-Appointed Special Advocate program, helping give children a voice in court. Shaina grew up in Woodland Hills, and is excited to be back home to provide children with after-school enrichment and opportunities to make new friends.

Judy Battaglia


Judy Battaglia comes to The Spot with a unique and diverse background as a professor of communications at Loyola Marymount University where she has taught courses in Rhetoric, Performance, Public Speaking, and Communications. She is also a beloved teacher at the Jewish Learning Center at HAMAKOM. Judy has a passion for bringing concepts of Jewish justice, values, and beliefs such as chesed (caring), tzedaka (fairness), achrayut (responsibility), kehillah (community), and tikkun olam (healing the world) to her students in engaging and creative ways.